paying your fines online

​1. Go to and click the Account Login link, located at the top right of your screen.
2. Enter your barcode number and pin number. Your pin number should be the last four digits of the phone number attached to your
     library card. If you don’t know your pin number, please call us at 616-896-9798 for assistance.
3. Once logged in, select fines from the menu on the left side of the screen.
​4. Click the Pay Online button. A new window will open and prompt you to enter your address and card information. Once you
​     have filled in all required information, hit submit to send payment.

Lost Items

  • If you lose an item, you will be charged the cost of replacing the item, any accumulated fines, and a processing fee ($3.00 for books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, etc). If you find and return a lost item in undamaged condition within 90 days, the cost of the item will be waived. Processing fees and fines are non-refundable.
  • Lost library cards can be replaced at the Circulation Desk for a fee of $5.00

Damaged Items


  • Patrons will be charged for the entire cost of the book.
  • Minimal damage: $.25 per page

missing DVD/CD

  • Charged for cost of the item. 
  • Patrons may not replace lost DVDs or CDs.


  • Damaged Case: $3 per case
  • Damaged paper inserts: $1


  • Repairable damages $.10 per page. 
  • If the magazine is not repairable, the patron will be charged the cost of the magazine plus a $3  processing fee. 
  • If the magazine is lost, the patron will also be charged for the cost of the magazine.


Damaged puzzles will be charged to the patron plus the $3 processing fee.  We do not charge for missing pieces.


  • Barcodes: $3 
  • Other Labels: $4