
Every month Patmos Library hosts a range of programs and clubs for children, from infancy to elementary school age. Throughout the year, we host special events for family fun for all ages!

​Jamestown children of any age can receive a library card. The age at which they can apply for their card is 5. All that is required is a parent’s/legal guardian’s identification showing proof of address and their signature on the application form. The parent/legal guardian needs to be present for library card sign up.

Parent’s/legal guardian’s must complete a release form in order to give their child (18 and under) permission to use our Internet computers.

Parents or caregivers are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the Library. Parents or caregivers may not leave a child under the age of 12 unattended at any time.

De Kleine Children's Center with colorful sofas and books
children's play area and books

patmos library offers

  • A large collection of picture books and fiction books to engage and excite imaginations
  • Computers and two Early Literacy Station
  • Easy readers and chapter books for the elementary school reading level
  • DVDs, audiobooks, magazines, launchpads and more
  • Puzzles and interactive areas
  • A large collection of non-fiction books and biographies
  • A Tween fiction collection
  • A Young Adult fiction and nonfiction collection
  • 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program
  • Weekly Story Time 

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Patmos Library| image: hand-holding-phone-with-hearts-around

monthly book lists for kids, tweens, and teens

Patmos Library| image: childrens-book-covers

patmos kids

Patmos Library| image: teens-and-tweens-book-covers

patmos tweens/teens